DC Comic Book Releases for Tuesday, February 2nd!

FAR SECTOR #10 (OF 12)
(W) N.K. Jemisin (A/CA) Jamal Campbell
The groundbreaking sci-fi series approaches its thrilling climax! Since arriving at the City Enduring, Sojourner “Jo” Mullein has confronted an insidious conspiracy of murder and mayhem, but even this most resilient Green Lantern reaches her breaking point when she uncovers an “emotional sweatshop” producing black-market feelings for a world without them. But Jo is only too human…
(W) Stephanie Phillips (A) Simone Di Meo, Toni Infante (CA) Derrick Chew
Harley Quinn has gained Jonathan Crane’s trust, everything is going according to plan, and she is getting close to making her escape. But Black Mask and his gang are continuing to undermine the Magistrate and push Crane closer to the edge, where he will become the Scarecrow once more. Will Harley be able to defeat the Scarecrow and stop the Black Mask Gang? If she’s going to secure her freedom and save Gotham’s future, she’ll have to!
(W) Various (A) Various (CA) John Timms
Braincells, the advanced offshoot of the diabolical Brainiac, continues to lure Jonathan Kent down the wrong path—but things go from bad to this can’t get any worse when it appears it has also taken some manner of control over Supergirl! If the Kryptonians clash, nothing will be able to protect the bottled city of Metropolis! Meanwhile, inside the bottle itself, the Guardian is doing everything he can to stop the city from destroying itself from within, while Mister Miracle has discovered the trail of a strange signal that he doesn’t realize will take him to Warworld.
FUTURE STATE SWAMP THING #1 (OF 2) Second Printing
(W) Ram V (A) Mike Perkins
From the ashes of a terrible war, life blooms anew in Swamp Thing’s image. The remnants of humanity lie in hiding, forever in the shadow of the green god who now rules the planet. When the new avatar of the Green uncovers a stray human, a rebellion is revealed! But this Swamp Thing is no stranger to violent ends, and neither are his creations. If it’s war humanity wants, it will be at their doorstep—and Swamp Thing will never be the same!
(W) Ram V (A/CA) Mike Perkins
Humanity strikes back! The shadow of Swamp Thing Supreme stretches across the globe as it has for centuries. The world is at peace, until a rebellious faction of humanity ignites their terrible plan, fueled by Woodrue Wilson’s appetite for power. But Swamp Thing, too, harbors a secret—one he must reveal in order to restore peace to the planet once again. But it will cost him everything he has.
(W) Brandon Vietti (A/CA) Brandon Peterson
All hope is lost as Barry Allen races to save his former partner, Wally West. Armed with the weapons of the Rogues who once tried to destroy the Flash, Barry plots an attack that’ll either free the former Kid Flash from the evil that’s possessed him—or end his threat forever!
(W) Various (A) Various (CA) Ladronn
The adventures of the next Batman continue! Batman has captured a pair of murderous fugitives, but he faces a tough decision: leave them for the Magistrate troops, which means certain death, or risk his life and fight his way through Gotham City to deliver them to the GCPD for trial. He’s Batman…so there’s only one choice! And in “Outsiders,” Katana has reunited with Black Lightning, but her old friend and ally has changed…big-time! Now composed of literal black lightning, Jefferson Pierce arrives with a dire warning about Duke Thomas and his mission to liberate Gotham from the oppression of the Magistrate. They’ll have to work together—and we really mean together—to have any hope of defeating the forces working against them! Plus, in “Arkham Knights,” Astrid Arkham and her band of maniacal misfits have picked a fight with the Magistrate…and they’re not going to back down! On the eve of their mission into the heart of Gotham’s fascist occupiers, Croc, Zsasz, Phosphorus, Clayface, Harvey, and the rest steel themselves to try and shine a beacon of hope into the darkness—but not everyone will make it out alive!
(W/A/CA) Joelle Jones
Emerging from the Amazon rain forest, the new Wonder Woman must battle her way through hell! Witness Yara Flor at the height of her power as she takes on the king of the underworld, Hades himself! Betrayed by a close ally, Yara’s back is against the wall as she is forced to battle legions of demons for survival and to liberate her Themysciran sister. You won’t want to miss the exciting conclusion of this of rising superstar hero’s first adventure!
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Call now to sign up to play one or more board games at our Free Board Game Demo this Saturday, Nov. 5th! Each table will have a teacher who will show you how to play! 508-755-4207. Lots of spots still open! #boardgames #tabletopfun pic.twitter.com/FA4s…
Just In: Resin Dice Boxes and Towers Handmade by Local Artist Melissa Bailly! Check her products out on Facebook @anyresinanyseason Sword Dice Boxes: $49.99 each Towers: $15.99 each #anyresinanyseason #thatsentertainment #dicetowers #diceboxes pic.twitter.com/zHGK…
Join us for our HeroClix X of Swords event Saturday, October 15th! #heroclix #xofswords #heroclixxofswords pic.twitter.com/qlVu…
Join us at our Worcester location for our Free Board Game Demonstration this Saturday, October 1st! Guests may enter our free raffle for a chance to win a free board game! Call yoday to sign up! 508-755-4207 #worcesterma #thatsentertainment #boardgames pic.twitter.com/51iT…
Meet the legendary comic book artist Jim Steranko today, September 24th, 12pm to 6pm! Signatures are $50 each, cash only, please. Head on over for this spectacular event! #jimsteranko pic.twitter.com/uZhU…
A reminder, the Legendary comic book artist Jim Steranko will be appearing at That's Entertainment of Worcester, MA for an in-store signing THIS Saturday, September 24th from 12pm to 6pm! Please share and spread the word! #JimSteranko pic.twitter.com/xu9c…
The Legendary comic book artist Jim Steranko will be appearing at That's Entertainment of Worcester, MA for an in-store signing THIS Saturday, September 24th from 12pm to 6pm! Please re-tweet and spread the word! #JimSteranko pic.twitter.com/ie0D…