New England's Pop Culture Emporium Since 1980! We Buy And Sell Comics, Toys, Records, Memorabilia and More!

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That’s Entertainment: New England’s Pop Culture Emporium since 1980!

Call to register to play in a one-shot adventure this January 2025!

MtG Aetherdrift Pre-Release at our Worcester Store

Join us for a Gundam Build Day!

WE BUY AND SELL:  We buy, sell and trade popular culture, entertainment merchandise and collectibles. We feature New and Back-Issue Comics, Old-School and Modern Video Games and Systems, Toys (Vintage, New, and Imports), D&D, Magic the Gathering, New and Used Board Games, Vinyl Records (Used and New Pressings), Sport Card Packs and Singles, Autographs, Japanese Imports, Posters, and more! Please stop in to browse!

DO YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO SELL? : Call us at  508-755-4207 if you have items you’d like to sell or trade in! We are buying by appointment only (Same-day appointments only). For complete details on selling, please click HERE.

EVENTS: We participate in national events like Free Comic Book Day, Record Store Day, and Free RPG Day. We also hold events like Magic the Gathering, Pokemon Club, free board game demonstrations, special guest signings, and more! Check back to our website, social media, or sign up for our newsletter at the top of our home page for news about all of our events, as well as new products, collections, sales and exclusive fan specials!

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Read About Our Values and Mission Statement


Purchase a Gift Certificate from us today!

Give one of our Gift Certificates to your favorite geek! Ask in store for any amount, or choose one of the denominations offered online! We write them out the old-fashioned way, so if you order online, please allow enough time for mailing!

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    That's Entertainment

    That's Entertainment

    We Buy and Sell Collectibles! Please call first if you have items to sell & speak directly with the right specialist!

    Pop 45 CountdownMoment #22: The Case of the Forgotten Gift Certificate We've always sold a LOT of Gift Certificates, especially around the holidays! We know many of you are opening one of our famous, colorfully-illustrated Gift Certificate envelopes TODAY! Sometimes, the friends and family of collectors and pop culture enthusiasts can't figure out exactly WHAT to buy for their geeky giftee, but they DO know That's Entertainment will have the things they love. In fact, most collectors always have a mental (if not written) list of cool items they WOULD buy if they had the spare cash, so they usually waste no time redeeming one of our Gift Certificates! USUALLY...!In July of 2014, a customer walked up to our counter with his selection and put down a That's Entertainment Gift Certificate. The cashier hadn't seen one in this very plain style, and as he examined it more closely, he noticed the address was wrong. It read, "That's Entertainment, 151 Chandler St., Worcester Massachusetts." Then he noticed it was dated from 1989-- twenty-five years prior, and before the cashier had even been BORN! A little baffled, he called over the Assistant Manager, Sierra, who sorted out that the Gift Certificate was legitimate but had been bought at our OLD location as a Christmas gift a quarter of a century earlier, and the recipient had subsequently put it into a drawer and forgotten about it! So we happily accepted it!When Sierra told Ken about it the next day, he thought the whole story would make an amusing little Facebook post... and when the folks at MassLive saw his post, they thought it would make an interesting local human-interest article... and when the ASSOCIATED PRESS saw that article on the proverbial "slow news day," they picked it up and sent it out to clients WORLDWIDE!!We thought the amazing part of the story was that someone had WAITED 25 years to redeem it! The MEDIA thought the amazing part was that a business ACCEPTED it after all that time! The next morning, two radio shows called! A local TV news station came in for an interview, and then a Boston TV station rolled in! We checked the internet and saw that the AP story had been picked up by news stations literally around the globe, one after the other.We loved the attention, of course, but we didn't really understand all the fuss! Sierra had aptly summarized our feelings on the matter when she said, "When we say it never expires, we really mean it."To find out more about my life in comics, visit my blog at: you ever receive a That's Entertainment Gift Certificate?To read news coverage on this story, please go to the below #comics #comicshopnews #thatsentertainment #thatsentertainmentpop45countdown ... See MoreSee Less
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    Get Crazy with CRIBBAGE! Join us for a Cribbage tournament on Saturday, February 15th, 12pm-5pm in our store's Red Room! This event is FREE and open to ages 13 and up! There will be 4-5 rounds depending on attendance. This will be 2 players vs 2 players, so bring a friend! Pre-registration is required. Please go to this link to register: #strategygames ... See MoreSee Less
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    1 week ago

    That's Entertainment
    New Comic Book and Trade Paperback Releases for Wednesday, January 29th! ... See MoreSee Less
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    Have you Seen Our Upcoming One-Shot,Tabletop RPG Adventures for the month of February? See our ad below for the first few games we have lined up! See the full flyer in the comments section below.Call to Sign up to play any of the games below!Great for beginners and experienced players,and best of all, it's FREE!#dungeonsanddragons #tabletoproleplayinggames ... See MoreSee Less
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    FEBRUARY'S ONE-SHOTS!Our One-Shot Thursday games are up and ready, and waiting for you to sign up! Come play with us for free every Thursday! Please come in or call to sign up ahead of time for the game you want to play! ... See MoreSee Less
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